argentinsk tango i oslo

Do you have to be lovers to form a tango couple?

No, you can dance with anyone. Bring a brother, sister, friend, girlfriend, spouse, aunt, colleague, classmate, neighbor or passerby! We’ve seen the lot, and what a beautiful sight it has been! Tango can be about passion and romance between two people (and here we are quick to point out that this is regardless of gender and orientation). But it can also be much, much more! Tango can be beautiful, fun and rewarding to dance with people in all sorts of relationships. In practice, you often dance with people you barely know or you end up in an embrace with a man you’ve never met. You may discover that you have been dancing for a while with someone you do not share the language with. Tango crosses all barriers and can provide the loveliest embraces. In our courses you will always have the opportunity to dance with many different people and we hope you find it rewarding not to be in a set couple. However, good dance partners often make good life partners so if you find someone you like, you have our full support.

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