Boleo fra kurs i Oslo

Boleos for menn!

Mange tenker at boleos er noe kun damer bør kunne. Vel, når…

The role of disassociation in the cross

A number of techniques are taught as explanations to how the…

Mellom taktslagene

Vi er så pass egosentriske og selvdiggende at vi håper…
argentinsk tango i oslo

Ressursside for kontaktpunkt

Seminarbeskrivelse Her kommer mer info om hvordan vi tenker…
argentinsk tango i oslo

Turning men into school boys

Eugenia Parilla is a force of nature that neither could nor should…
argentinsk tango i oslo

Silent arms

The strangest misunderstanding that numerous tango dancers suffer…
argentinsk tango i oslo

Invitation to movement

What is tango? If you ask for what tango is, you will get as…
argentinsk tango i oslo

Chicho – the classicist

Although this post is going to be about two performances in which…
argentinsk tango i oslo

«Det ubalansertes balanse»

"Det ubalansertes balanse" Du husker sikkert hvordan du som…